Test Your Vonnegut IQ with these questions about Kurt’s life and work.
In Jailbird, Walter F. Starbuck discovers that which of his former lovers is the notorious Mrs. Jack Graham, majority stockholder in the RAMJAC Corporation?
What was Kurt Vonnegut Senior’s occupation?
Which of the following titles was Vonnegut’s second published novel?
What is the real name of the prophet Bokonon in Cat’s Cradle?
What is the subtitle found on the title page of the novel Slapstick?
What are foma?
In Breakfast of Champions, Harry LeSabre, the sales manager at Dwayne Hoover’s Exit Eleven Pontiac Village, has a secret. What is it?
The protagonist and narrator of Hocus Pocus is named after which prominent labor organizer.
In Player Piano, what is the name of the group of workers and engineers who strike out against the machines in order to restore a sense of worth to people’s lives?
Which Vonnegut novel begins with the following sentence: “A sum of money is a leading character in this tale about people, just as a sum of honey might properly be a leading character in a tale about bees.”
Trivia Vonnegut
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